What is Analyst Collective?
A Competition
Predict stocks daily and rank yourself against the world's best.
An Experiment
Become a part of the world's largest Wisdom of Crowds experiment.
A Vast Mine of Data
Discover prediction patterns and collective insights driven by user inputs.
A Competition
Analyst Collective’s Users (“Analysts”) shall receive a single stock/equity each day with Analysts requested to submit their forecast for the stock’s price movements (% +/-) over the following 60 days.
Analysts shall be awarded points based on the accuracy of their daily forecasts. A maximum of 5 points shall be awarded for a forecast with a margin of error <1% (plus/minus). Points shall be reduced to 4 points for a <2% margin of error, 3 points for <3%, 2 points for <4% margin of error, and 1 point for <5% margin of error. Such points referred to as “Base Points”.

Base Points shall then be subject to a multiplier which shall benefit more ambitious forecasts -“Multiplier”. For example, where an Analyst predicts a 23% price increase to within 1% margin of error, the Analyst receives the maximum 5 Base Points multiplied by the 3.2x Multiplier to provide a total of 16 points.
Multiplier Bracket | Multiplier |
0-5% | 1x |
6-10% | 1.3x |
11-15% | 1.7x |
16-20% | 2.3x |
21-25% | 3.2x |
For Analysts’ first 60 days using the App (i.e., before Analysts can benefit fully from their predictions at 60 days), a provisional 1 point shall be awarded/day.
A Leaderboard shall update daily with Analysts ranked on the basis of their total points over the trailing 30 days (on the basis of their forecasts 60 days previous). On the last day of each month, the leading 3 Analysts shall be announced with the #1 Analyst on the Leaderboard added to the Analyst Collective Hall of Fame.

Banks and Brokers have huge teams of Equity Analysts making forecasts as to the future performance of individual stocks. These ‘professionals’ are ranked against one another on the basis of their accuracy.Here at Analyst Collective, we firmly believe that there are many part-time retail investors able to more accurately predict the future price movements of the market – We want to find the best. It may be you.

An Experiment
Our experiment is based on the theory of‘The Wisdom of Crowds’. The theory states that the average forecasts made by a diverse community each thinking independently of one another is likely to be more accurate than one or several “Experts” within a given field.Please help us test this theory when it comes to the stock market.
A Vast Mine of Data
Where you submit a forecast on a stock, the aggregate results from our Collective’s predictions are free for you to view. Benefit from the wealth of knowledge held across our global community, drawing upon the ‘Wisdom of Crowds’ to provide insights into future stock movements.

Our market predictions are provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to financial advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on AC Platforms.